Principal Accountabilities: • Provides day-to-day on-site supervision of drilling operations. • Ensures that Company HSE policies, procedures, regulations and objectives are effectively implemented. • Responsible for strict adherence to all Company systems, procedures, standards, safety rules and regulations by all Company personnel and contractors on-site. • Responsible for clear and concise reporting of all well site drilling activities such as daily drilling reports, material transfers and safety meetings, and capture of lessons learned. • Responsible for reporting, investigations and follow-up of all accidents and near misses on-site. • Responsible for performing site emergency plans and organizes emergency exercises and drills on-site. • Responsible for rig moves and rig positioning. • Primary contact with rig and third-party personnel at the rig site to ensure operations are performed in accordance with the drilling program in a safe and cost-effective manner. • Organizes and orders the necessary services and equipment to conduct drilling operations. Ensures safe return of equipment and surplus materials to Company stores upon completion of well operations. • Responsible for HSE procedures being continuously enforced, and for making capable decisions in emergency situations. Ensures that safety regulations and practices are respected by all personnel on rig site including drilling contractor and Service Company employees. • Ensures operations comply with the Standard Drilling Instructions (SDI) and Drilling Safety Instructions (DSI) Manuals and SIMOPS procedures. • Regularly inspects rig and third-party equipment for adequate maintenance. Maintains inventory of all equipment / materials / supplies. • Responsible for operations complying with all government and other appropriate regulations. • Ensures potential pollution control problems are considered and relative contingency plans are understood by rig and third-party personnel. • Ensures that safety drills/tests are conducted on rig site as per company plan and procedures. Investigates accidents/incidents and follows-up action plan. • Liaises with Field Production for tower inspections prior to rig move. Ensures safe handover of wellhead platforms at beginning and completion of drilling activities (SIMOPS). • Ensures assigned relief is well informed (hand-over notes) of current situation and agrees with plans developed / implemented. • Relieves the Drilling Operations Team Leader if needed. Organizational Relationships (Work Contacts): • Contact with other Well Operations Sections and Groups (Teams), principally the Drilling Engineering Section, on a daily basis to ensure execution of the drilling programs. • Contact with Support Services as required. • Contact with Service Companies when necessary. Independence of Operations and Decision-making Authority: • Responsible for ensuring the drilling programs are executed in a safe and efficient manner. • Decides priorities, bring in new ideas and technology and provide expertise in the function area to achieve required performance standards.

Salaire proposé
Domaine de travail
Émirats arabes unis
Abu Dhabi
Niveau d'enseignement
Diplome Universitaire de technologie/ingenierie
Type de travailleurs
Compétences demandées
Drilling Supervisor OIL & GAS PETROLEUM PETROCHEMICAL Geology HSE Drilling Safety Instructions DSI Manuals SIMOPS